FAIR Fundraisers, Los Angeles November 2nd & NYC November 13th — Get Tickets Here.

FAIR Artist Directory

Connect with FAIR-Minded Artists

Many artists who are concerned about a stifling political and social environment in the arts have been wondering: Who else is out there?

With the FAIR Artist Directory, they will no longer need to wonder.  

This directory will serve as a resource for FAIR member artists to discover like-minded peers aligned with a common mission to advance freedom, excellence, and humanity in the arts. It will facilitate opportunities for professional collaboration and support between fellow FAIR artists.

Applications to join the first round of the FAIR Artist Directory are now closed.

Interested, but want to know more? Check out our FAQ below or email [email protected].

Questions about the Artist Directory

Who is eligible for the FAIR Artist Directory?

All arts professionals, practitioners, hobbyists, advocates, or affiliates who are aligned with FAIR in the Arts’ Principles are eligible to apply. In order to be listed on the directory, applicants must be members of FAIR in the Arts (join here) and have completed a meeting with a member of the FAIR Arts team or can provide a reference such as an Arts Fellow.

What is the purpose of the FAIR Artist Directory?

The FAIR Artist Directory will serve to facilitate professional connections among FAIR member artists who want to discover like-minded individuals in the arts. The application assesses applicants for how they intend to use the Artist Directory.

Where will the FAIR Artist Directory be displayed? Who gets to see it?

The FAIR Artist Directory will not be available to the general public. It will be shared as a resource exclusively for members of FAIR in the Arts who are in good standing.

Is there any cost to applying to join the directory?

No. There is no application fee.

Can I choose which information I would like to appear in the directory?

Yes. You can opt-in which information you would like to be displayed in the Artist Directory, and which information you would like to remain confidential among internal FAIR staff.

Can I invite others to apply?

Absolutely. Help us expand our network by inviting a friend, colleague, or family member to join the directory.

Who can I contact if I have more questions?

Please reach out to FAIR in the Arts Coordinator Brent Morden at [email protected].

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