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Open Letters

Open Letter to the Washington Department of Corrections

A male inmate in Washington state, Bryan Kim—convicted of brutally murdering his parents—is trying to move back into a prison designated exclusively for women. Although he was previously housed at WCCW, he was removed after being caught having sex with a female inmate. Now, Mr. Kim has petitioned the Washington Court of Appeals to return him to WCCW, and the Department of Corrections (DOC) could preemptively grant his request at any moment.

Another male inmate, Nathan Goninan (aka, “Nonnie Lotusflower”), who is convicted of murdering a 17-year-old girl, is currently housed at WCCW, reportedly in a specialized unit. He claims that he is improperly being held in solitary confinement, despite previous infractions for sexually assaulting a female inmate ...

Open Letter in Support of Dr. Kenneth Zucker and the Need to Promote Robust Scientific Debate

We, the undersigned signatories, are expressing our support for Dr. Kenneth Zucker, an academically robust and unbiased editorial process at the Archives of Sexual Behavior, and uninterrupted publication of “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria: Parent Reports on 1655 Possible Cases” by Diaz and Bailey. We condemn and reject the censorious demands being directed at Springer Nature, the company that publishes Archives of Sexual Behavior, that this paper be retracted, and that the editor of the journal, Dr. Zucker, be sanctioned for allowing the paper’s publication. The appropriate action is to have an open debate about the paper—not to silence those whose views one finds disagreeable. ...

Open Letter Ragarding Discriminatory Practices by Literary Journals

Information about discriminatory submission requirements was recently reported to FAIR about federally-funded literary journals. While many journals offer to waive submission fees in order to accommodate authors and artists facing economic hardships, many are unfortunately conflating economic need with race, skin color, or ancestry, thereby providing differential pricing to authors and artists based on their immutable traits. When entities receive Federal financial assistance, this discriminatory practice violates Title VI of the Civil Rights Act (and, as applicable, the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment, from which Title VI is derived). ...

An Open Letter to the American Psychiatric Association Regarding the Publication of Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care

On November 8, 2023, Gender-Affirming Psychiatric Care was released by the American Psychiatric Association’s official publishing house. We the undersigned strongly support the following Open Letter to the APA. Our letter calls on the APA to explain why it glaringly ignored many scientific developments in gender-related care and to consider its responsibility to promote and protect patients’ safety, mental and physical health. On Dec 28, 2023, this Open Letter was sent to the leadership of the APA, asking for a substantive response. ...