FAIR Fundraisers, Los Angeles November 2nd & NYC November 13th — Get Tickets Here.


Promoting a common culture of
and Humanity.




Promoting a common
culture of
and Humanity

We support diversity without division

FAIR protects and defends the civil rights and liberties of all individuals – without exception.

Support Library Neutrality
Libraries across the US and Canada are turning their backs on the basic principle of neutrality. Help FAIR restore viewpoint diversity in the stacks.

Protect Women's Prisons
In Washington state, prisoners are allowed to go to prisons that align with their gender identity, leading to documented harm for female prisoners. FAIR is urging the state to protect women's rights.

Faces of X
What if both sides are partially right? Faces of X is an educational video series demonstrating how diverse perspectives can be integrated into a cohesive position.

The Wrong Kind of Diverse
Dr. Tabia Lee was ostracized as a DEI director for having a different take on DEI than her colleagues.

Ethnic Studies Analysis Guide
Ethnic Studies mandates are becoming more popular in High School graduation and higher ed admissions requirements, but does Ethnic Studies actually do what it purports to do? Read our guide to understand more.


We support diversity without division

FAIR protects and defends the civil rights and liberties of all individuals – without exception.

Support Library Neutrality
Help FAIR support viewpoint diversity in the stacks.

Protect Women's Prisons
In Washington state, prisoners are allowed to go to prisons that align with their gender identity, leading to documented harm for female prisoners. FAIR is urging the state to protect women's rights.

Faces of X
What if both sides are partially right? Faces of X is an educational video series demonstrating how diverse perspectives can be integrated into a cohesive position.

The Wrong Kind of Diverse
Dr. Tabia Lee was ostracized as a DEI director for thinking differently.

Ethnic Studies Analysis Guide
Does Ethnic Studies actually do what it purports to do? Read our guide to understand more.


Real Stories

Praise for FAIR

Real Stories

Praise for FAIR


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Institutional intolerance and the failure to encourage civil discourse chill free expression and repress viewpoint diversity.

The deterioration of critical thinking skills leads to inadequate investigation of popular messaging and narratives, resulting in poor decision-making.

Institutions are abdicating their responsibilities in favor of politicized activism disguised as progress.

People who stand on the side of common sense and who express widely-supported views often face threats to their well-being and livelihood.


Institutional intolerance and the failure to encourage civil discourse chill free expression and repress viewpoint diversity.

The deterioration of critical thinking skills leads to inadequate investigation of popular messaging and narratives, resulting in poor decision-making.

Institutions are abdicating their responsibilities in favor of politicized activism disguised as progress.

People who stand on the side of common sense and who express widely-supported views often face threats to their well-being and livelihood.

Our Solutions

FAIR in the Arts provides grants and other funding for artists, curates events to help artists establish supportive relationships, and develops a professional network of advisors, institutions, and enterprises to support artists facing intolerance.

FAIR in Education delivers training for teachers and administrators to create healthy school environments, develops pro-human learning resources that provide an alternative to identity-based curricula, and supports a professional network of teachers, librarians, and school leaders.

The FAIR Legal Department funds and publicizes precedent-setting lawsuits in support of individuals deprived of civil liberties, assists schools and employers in proactively implementing changes to discriminatory policies and practices, and equips FAIR members as they challenge intolerance and discrimination.

FAIR in Medicine raises awareness of unethical and politicized practices is healthcare, promotes scientific debate and inquiry, and collaborates with other advocacy groups to promote FAIR’s ethical, pro-human approach to the practice of medicine.

The FAIR Chapter Network creates awareness of discriminatory and divisive local policies, practices, and legislation, alerts communities to them, takes action to make policy changes at the grassroots level, and provides a network of like-minded peers, experts, and advocacy groups.

FAIR News is your go-to publication to read and share diverse perspectives on culture and civil rights.  With contributions from seasoned authors and amateur writers, FAIR News covers a breadth of perspectives on today’s issues.

Our Solutions

FAIR in the Arts provides grants and other funding for artists, curates events to help artists establish supportive relationships, and develops a professional network of advisors, institutions, and enterprises to support artists facing intolerance.

FAIR in Education delivers training for teachers and administrators to create healthy school environments, develops pro-human learning resources that provide an alternative to identity-based curricula, and supports a professional network of teachers, librarians, and school leaders.

The FAIR Legal Department funds and publicizes precedent-setting lawsuits in support of individuals deprived of civil liberties, assists schools and employers in proactively implementing changes to discriminatory policies and practices, and equips FAIR members as they challenge intolerance and discrimination.

FAIR in Medicine raises awareness of unethical and politicized practices is healthcare, promotes scientific debate and inquiry, and collaborates with other advocacy groups to promote FAIR’s ethical, pro-human approach to the practice of medicine.

The FAIR Chapter Network creates awareness of discriminatory and divisive local policies, practices, and legislation, alerts communities to them, takes action to make policy changes at the grassroots level, and provides a network of like-minded peers, experts, and advocacy groups.

FAIR News is your go-to publication to read and share diverse perspectives on culture and civil rights.  With contributions from seasoned authors and amateur writers, FAIR News covers a breadth of perspectives on today’s issues.

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