Is your school putting on “BLM Action Week” this week? Check out our toolkit for ways to respond.

Donate to FAIR in the Arts

Dear Friends of FAIR in the Arts

FAIR in the Artsis making a growing impact on the arts and culture.

From building a multi-disciplinary support network of over 500 arts professionals advancing FAIR’s pro-human values, to producing virtual and live events highlighting the great works of our members and advisory fellows, to awarding grant funding for independent artists facing intolerance, FAIR in the Arts has had many key successes in our first two years.

To quote designer Elena Velez, "We live in a time when everything is possible and nothing is allowed." Countless members of the FAIR Arts community have shared their stories of escaping the tide of censorship and groupthink. They have expressed gratitude for discovering a network of institutional, financial, and community support empowering them to create authentic art freely
Your support is crucial in helping FAIR continue our work supporting artists in 2025.

With the launch of the FAIR Forward campaign, FAIR in the Arts is raising the funds necessary to achieve our strategic goals this year, including:

1: Expanding the FAIR Artist Grant program to aspirationally deliver $50,000 in awards in 2025. (Artist Grant Fund)

2: Producing regular in-person events - film screenings, exhibits, live performances, and more - in addition to our virtual Community Meetups. (Events Fund)

3: Developing targeted resources, content, and infrastructure for mission-aligned artists and organizations. (Operations Fund)

Thank you for taking an opportunity to contribute to FAIR's initiatives in the arts and culture.

Your tax-deductible donation will be used to support FAIR’s mission of advancing civil rights and liberties for all, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding, and humanity.


Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.