Bukata Hayes was sworn in as the newly appointed school board member

Open Forum:
Three open Forum participants addressed concerns for equity and ideological policies as well as SEL training.
I addressed concerns of school behaviors within Dakota Meadows Middle School and their rapidly declining test scores

You will see a lot of Data Presented on DIEBELS and a limited amount on NWEA’s presented at school board meetings but none on MCA scores.
Below is a overview of what each test is:
The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of procedures and measures for assessing the acquisition of early literacy skills from kindergarten through sixth grade. They are designed to be short (one minute) fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of early literacy and early reading skills.
DIBELS are comprised of seven measures to function as indicators of phonemic awareness, alphabetic principle, accuracy and fluency with connected text, reading comprehension, and vocabulary. DIBELS were designed for use in identifying children experiencing difficulty in acquisition of basic early literacy skills in order to provide support early and prevent the occurrence of later reading difficulties.
More information about MCA tests can be found on the Minnesota Department of Education Statewide TestingELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-5) page.
Required by: State of Minnesota
Content Area/Subject: Reading. Math, Science
Purpose: Meets federal ESSA accountability requirements. Measures how well academic standards are being aligned to curriculum and instruction in our schools, to ensure that all students in the state are provided an equitable education.
Participants: all students in Grades 3-8 and 10 (Reading), All students in Grades 3-8 and 11 (Math), All students Grades 5, 8 and HS students taking a Life Science Course (Science)
The Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA) assessment determines your child’s instructional level and measures academic growth from year to year in mathematics, reading and science. They are computer-based adaptive tests (presenting easier or more challenging questions based on incorrect or correct responses) that pinpoint each student’s instructional level. Learn more about NWEA testingELEMENTARY SCHOOL (K-5).
Information Update

Superintendent Peterson – Mentioned that our numbers are continuing to decline and infection rates state wide are continuing to decline.
Board Member Sapp- Are some kids still wearing masks?
Peterson- Yes some kids are. We are working with the staff to make sure everyone is feeling safe and respected for their decision to wear a mask or not.
Board Member Reid- Is there peer pressure to remove masks?
Peterson- This best discussed with teachers who know the students best. There are lots of conversations between principals, staff and parents. I know they are working hard to make sure everyone feels comfortable.
Radon Testing is required

Peterson – All the sites passed with the lowest possible rates.
All the schools are on a 5 year cycle.
Board Meember Schuck- Are there more than one test per site?
Peterson- Yes, there are many tests per site so one test not working is inconsequential.
Board Member Roberts- What are these tests like?
Board Member Sapp – It is a boxed kit
Peterson- It is much like the ones in your home.
Board Member workshops
Board member Reid: proposed: “I just want to propose something, and I know we have mentioned it before. Knowing we have had a continuing conversation with MNEEP, the overall equity for the board and also engaging our community members, staff, community members and board members. I would like to talk you with and see if we are ok with us continuing that work, and would there be a steady committee at the board level.”
Board Member Schuck- The previous committee was teachers, administrators, school board members. We had a great representation throughout the district.
Peterson- Next Monday’s work session would be a very good time to engage in what that might look like and who would be involved.

In 2021 we hired a American Indian Liaison and also a part time program specialist. We are hoping to get more activities prepared.